Arkansas {a new adventure}

Change is so unpredictable. Brandon and I have been ready to take on a new adventure for at least two years. We didn’t know whether that adventure would take the form of a backpacking trip around Australia, or moving to an entirely new city and state… until recently.

We recently got engaged and since then I have become fully invested in being our own wedding planner – something I’ve looked forward to for two years! Now, as Brandon and I are in the thick of wedding planning while coming down from our engagement high and enjoying every minute of this adventure, we’re about to begin yet another adventure! -and no its not a baby ; )

You guys… we’re moving to ARKANSAS!


Yup I know, we be two wild and crazy kids, eh? It’s crazy stuff we’re doing here but you know… I am soo excited to try living somewhere new. This is totally uncharted territory for us – neither of us have ever even visited Northwest Arkansas and here we are boxing up our stuff, sorting and selling what we don’t need, and moving South… all within a matter of two weeks!

Oh my lordie.

And I’ve already done all my research and am soo excited to make this place our new home! Whenever I tell my Minnesotan and Upper Midwestern friends where we’re moving, they ask me what on earth is down there that makes it desirable but you know, the more research I do, the more I realize what a hidden gem this place is! Seriously, we’re going to be living at the base of the Ozark Mountain Range! b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l

Ozark Mountain Range

I’ve already located the local farmer’s market and read up on all the wonderful vendors and even found out that there’s going to be a vegetable sculpting contest that I HAVE to see…

…I’ve found my new food coop and looked into becoming a member owner…

…I’ve perused Meetup and became a member of the NWA Female Biking and Kayaking Group, as well as a member of the Cobblestone Project Farm which is a farm dedicated to eliminating hunger within the community…

…Brandon located what looks to be a stellar Japanese eatery

…and what will probably be Lila’s new doctor’s office

…and I’ve even located what I predict might be my new favorite coffee roaster. We’ll see how they compare to my current favorite, Bull Run in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It’s going to take a lot to knock them from the top but who knows, crazier things have happened… : )

We’re relocating to follow Brandon’s career and my adventurous spirit. This is going to be wild and oh so wonderful. Now we just need to find a place to live!

7 thoughts on “Arkansas {a new adventure}

  1. Pingback: life in iowa city {how to find a new hometown} | Rachel Running Wild

  2. Pingback: tuesday treasures {summer color – yellow} | Rachel Running Wild

  3. Pingback: DIY Tutorial {recycled book wall art} | Rachel Running Wild

  4. I think this is going to be awesome! I am sure Arkansas is beautiful! I am convinced that just about every state that people underrate actually hold some of the most beautiful places (*cough cough* Iowa *cough*)…and they usually are not very crowded. Plus I am sure living in a college town will have plenty of charm and diversity!
    Furthermore, I don’t think NW Arkansas is really all that much further from Cleveland than the Twin Cities and I have never been there. I am all for friends moving to places I have never been so that I can stay with them when I do visit there ;-) Opps that is selfish, but I stand by it anyway.

    • Yes! You will have to come visit and we can go camping in the Ozarks! And regarding Iowa being one of the most beautiful places… if you’re referring to Decorah, Iowa alone then yes I agree. If you’re talking about the entire state of Iowa, then I strongly disagree. I’m sure I’ll disagree even more in a little over two weeks as we’re driving across the entire state on our way to Arkansas! yikes. : )

  5. It’s hard to say I like this post because I don’t really *want* you to move away, but I’m super excited for you two. Such a fun adventure and a wonderful opportunity for you both!

    • Hah yeah I know. Family, friends, and nostalgia over stupid things are definitely making things harder. Every morning when on my train ride to work for example I sit there thinking hmm, this might be my last time with a window seat on this exact train! Or when at work I’ll think wow, this might be the last time I eat a Jimmy Johns #6 easy mayo wheat sandwich at this desk! Ha ha ha! Nostalgia. I have a problem. We’ll be back to the upper midwest again someday though I’m sure.

What do you think?